May 20

Part-Time Job = -Spare Time

Back in August 2015, I was scrolling the timeline of my LINE app. There I saw an announcement that there was a job offering at EB Cafe. EB Cafe is a local cafe located in the top level of Pertamina Tower FEB UGM. I remember first visit there was at the time of the new students orientation faculty tour. I was amazed, and I still am. Cause the location of this cafe is very strategic and give your eyes a wonderful view Yogyakarta and the surroundings near UGM. If you still curious and don’t know where the cafe is, here I show you. buat blog

(*with the help of my friend Junizar Nino expertise in photoshop, this masterpiece is created. Illuminati confirmed)

I hope with my help showing you where EB cafe is, you will not get lost the next time you try to visit us. At first I wasn’t that interested in applying there, but then I remember that in that semester I no longer involved in campus organization. So, I will have lots of spare time. The term “Kupu-Kupu”(go to campus only to study and then come back home right after) will fit me perfectly. Beside, if I work there I can have a place to relax and chill (not Netflix and chill) It’s so unproductive, and not a thing you can be proud of. On deadline day, i submitted my CV and made my application letter. So now here I am, work at EB cafe really give a positive effect for me.

Using the espresso machine only to get this photo.                                               

My workplace, my place to chill.

May 20

Bang Toyib Western Version

Indonesian people must be familiar with the song “Bang Toyib” , the song is so catchy with easy listening lyrics. The song tells us about a man who left his family and haven’t come back for a long period of time. This song is popular in the early of the 2nd millennium. Take a trip around 25 years before to US (1975 to be precise), there’s a song with the same kind of story. It’s about a guy named Johnny Walker who left his family because of his drinking habit.  Its wikipedia page said that Johnie Walker Red Label scotch whiskey is the song inspiration. If you aware of the game Grand Theft Auto : San Andreas you must have heard this song. I didn’t do any research, but I believe that this song is the inspiration of Indonesia Bang Toyib song. The first and maybe the original one.

Johnny Walker sat at a table in a bar
Minding his own affairs
Drinking his namesake over the rocks
He was drunk, too drunk to care

When a girl from the bar walked up beside him
And this is what she said
She said, a woman came by with a letter for you
And this is what the letter said

Dear John, please, Johnny, please come home
I need your love and the kids, they gotta be fed
And John, if you don’t hurry back I’ll be gone
Yes, that’s what the letter said
The letter that Johnny Walker read

Then John, he got up from the table
Slowly, so slowly he walked outside
He was thinking of his wife and little children back at home
And how his drinking had ruined their lives

Then John, he stared off, off into that street light
And a vision filled his poor, poor heart with dread
For you see folks it was him lying drunk there in that gutter
Clutching in his little own hand, the letter that Johnny Walker read
And this is what it said

Dear John, please, Johnny, please come home
I need your love and the kids, they gotta be fed
And John, if you don’t hurry back I’ll be gone
Yes, that’s what the letter said
The letter that Johnny Walker read

Dear John, please, Johnny, please come home
I need your love and the kids, they gotta be fed
And John, if you don’t hurry back I’ll be gone
Yes, that’s what the letter said
The letter that Johnny Walker read

Yes, that’s what the letter said
The letter that Johnny Walker read
Yes, that’s what the letter said
The letter that Johnny Walker read

May 19

Even Eminem Want Some

Rhyming To My Prime



Green cup is waiting to be filled

People on the line wait standing still


Never have a friend named Todd

Just sit here connecting dots


The room feel so grey

Like the mind of Lana Del Rey


Now we have a visitor

With the smile of a traitor


Relaxing sound of holy verse

Sleepiness’s ready to burst


Chewing something in my mouth

Hope things don’t go south


This line is gettin’ absurd

Just a glance won’t hurt


I know it doesn’t happen all the time

Rhyming to my prime




May 19

Mouth Water-ing Cuisine by THE MAN himself


I am a big fan of food. And I believe deep down everybody is, cause people need food for nutrition to survive.

And Gordon Ramsay happen to be one of the most gifted people on earth to create a good food, proven by his restaurant with glamorous Michelin star in it.

Even though he curses a lot. Not very nice in his show. I guarantee his food taste BLOODY DAMN GOOD AMAZING.

May 19

9GAG of the day

buat blog firman


My choice will be Katana, Silenced Hand Gun, Night Vision Goggles, and Water Purifier.

Call me stupid, but if zombie apocalypse occur I will be out killing every zombie i can. Isn’t that the dream ? Since I grow up play House of the dead, Left 4 Dead and watch numerous zombie movies.

Share your choice and tell me why.

May 18

My Old Unpublished Article

Back when I was an active member in FEB UGM journalistic organization called BPPM Equillibrium, I worked with a team and we wrote an article. But somehow because of things that I can’t remeber exactly, the article never go to the public. It supposed to be in a special edition of english written, and I still think it’s interesting cause it is my first work of journalism written in english.

The Show Biz Star in FEB
The Two Life of Celebrities and Students

Firman M Army
Muhammad Hanzala
Puspita Dwiajeng Brilianthi

         As one of Indonesia’s best economics and business school, the academic quality of Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UGM isn’t questionable. It has attracted many qualified students around the nation. FEB’s students are not only well known as bright and diligent individual, but also as active young person. Many events are held by FEB’s students each year. Moreover, FEB has become famous as Faculty of Event and Business. But, not so many know about the talented individuals that FEB has. There are some students that has been active in entertainment being musician, presenter, and else. While learning in classes, they pursue their passion outside classes.
Mahesa, student of Management major 2013, is one of them.He has been actively playing drum since a kid. Present, he is a professional drum player and having a band called RekoNeko. RekoNeko has been consistently performed on local jazz gigs. After practicing and rehearsing hard, they made a successful breakthrough by performing in the “Indonesia biggest and best international jazz festival” called International Java Jazz Festival. “We’ve applied three times, and finally we got in on the most recent attempt. It made us so happy” said Mahesa. Besides playing with the band, Mahesa also teaches little kid how to play drum.
Another student who choose music as his hobby and career is DhaksinargaNugrahaor usually called Riko, Management 2013 student. Being asked why he choose music band as his business, he answered that his family has passion in music so there are many musical instruments that he could play since he was little kid. He has been playing music since in elementary school and then started playing in a band since middle school. His band is called KLOKS. The band consists of Riko as Guitarist and Vocal, Ian as the drummer and Ancal on the guitar. Recently, his band KLOKS launched a single in Bali.
If Mahesa and Riko are shining by being musician, Nabila NurFajrina, Accounting 2012 student, has been actively being presenter. The former DiajengJogja (Jogja City Tourism Ambassador) is currently active in broadcasting. She has her own show on RBTV Jogja, with the cooperation of Kompas TV. Her show, “ObrolanPagi”, is on every monday morning from 10-11 AM.Even though playing music has spend a lot of Mahesa and Riko time, but it doesn’t stop Mahesa and Riko to participate in many events in FEB. Mahesa and Riko were joined in Ikatan Mahasiswa Manajemen Universitas Gadjah Mada (Ikamma). They also participate in many events in FEB such as CEO and YES that Mahesa and Riko became a chairman.It seems hard to do all that on the same time. But they have their own strategy to manage their time and business. To manage and balance all of his activities, Mahesa becomes selective on project he takes. He only takes a performance offer if it is a jazz show and not in the same times with his other activities. Nabila also has a similar strategy with Mahesa. She said that what matter the most in time management is planning strategy. Consequently, she is being selective in every offer of events organizing.
Being active outside campus gives Mahesa, Riko, and Nabila various types of benefits. Riko said that it helps him expand his connection. Meanwhile, Mahesa said that it helps him to implement what he learns at school to real life.In one of his class, Organizational Behaviour, he learned how to work and manage an organization. He sees his band, RekoNeko, as a simple organization and he implements what he learns in Organizational Behaviour class to his band. Nabila also confesses that being a presenter gives her a lot of benefits. Being presenter boosts her confidence to participate more in class. It also gives hers many opportunities to become an MC and moderator, which making her well known by lecturers and improving her network in pursuing career.
Having activities both inside and outside campus is not impossible for Mahesa, Nabila, and Riko because environment in the campus is supporting. “The support of my friends and faculty members help me in the process of Dimas Diajeng selection. The Academic of FEB UGM also really supports me in my involvement in broadcasting,” said Nabila. The support really helps her in developing her career. She confesses that at first she was nervous and lack of confident, but by doing it over and over again make her used to it. “Maybe from the environment we are in the same FEB, for the one who like music can join ESB, and I think another greatness and improvement is in EQ which its Journalist is very good, i know some of them, they are professional and punctual. For the one who like journalistic, reporting, and press can go to EQ. For business every Organization have its Entrepreneurship Department like in IKAMMA, IMAGAMA, HIMIESPA, and BEM” said Riko. . Mahesa wishes that ESB can be the right channel for individuals with music talent can finally go out and exposed.
The great achievement and huge benefit they get from their activities in playing music and being presenter, doesn’t make them forgetting about their study. All of them still have serious thoughts about their academic study. Even though his drum playing career is greatly success, Mahesa still wants to focus on his study. He begins to improve GPA and start preparing his next level of education. Meanwhile, Riko only takes band as his hobby. “It never crosses my mind to make music as a profession. I only do music for fun, whether I get paid or not. A lot of people watching and giving great appreciation is enough to make me happy. I play music for my personal satisfaction. So if I can earn money from it, I think it is a gift from God,” stated Mahesa when being asked of the possibility to make a music as his future profession.
Even though working as presenter or musician are not their main priorities, but they are really happy to do their activities. Moreover, they encourage another FEB students to develop talent and follow passion. “We have to develop our talent whatever it is. Because it must be useful for us,” said Nabila. She also thinks that ability in academic is not the only factor to decide future. Therefore, develop soft skills such as communication skills is necessary to enrich our potential and ability. Mahesa also encourage people with talent in music to perform and not be shy.A world phenomenon musician, Bon Jovi once said, “Nothing is as important as passion. No matter what you want to do with your life, be passionate.” As a child and a student, is our responsibility to study and improve our academic. Yet, it is our right to follow our passion and do what we love. It is our choice to follow our passion or follow what others do. But it doesn’t have to be a choice among improve our academic and develop our hobby in non-academic field. Because, if we can be all of it, why we have to choose one?

April 29

So fluffy i’m gonna die

Look at that piece of blood, flesh, and fur combination. So cute right ?? So fluffy,so soft,so cuddly looking.
At that age, it’s so stupid. So innocent, with no single intention of bite you, claw you, or even hurt your feelings by ignoring you.
at this phase of its life, you should cherish this kind situation. the moment when it’s so stupid, so curious even it will bite its own tail if you push hard enough. This moment will past you, and once it turns to an ignorant grown up cat, you will miss that time.

Feast your eyes, take a look at this fluffy bastard.

When you’re down, when you’re afraid, especially after you read that currently famous “Invisible Family” story on Kaskus.